Transfer Client Ownership Page

You must be a Subscription Administrator to access the Transfer Client Ownership page.

Use the Transfer Client Ownership page to change the owner (user with Owner client permission) of one or more clients. This can be useful when a user leaves your firm and you want to ensure other users have access to the clients owned by the departing user. For information on client permissions, see Permissions. To update multiple client permissions for multiple users in a single operation, see Permissions Wizard.

Transferring Client Ownership from One User to Another User

  1. In the From User field, begin typing the name of the user.
  2. When the auto-complete list appears, select the user from the list.
  3. Do the same thing in the To User field.
  4. Using the check boxes in the first column, select the clients to transfer. Tip: To select all the clients, click the check box at the top of the column.
  5. Click Transfer.
  6. On the confirmation message, click Yes.
  7. On the summary message, click OK.
  8. Repeat the above steps for any remaining clients in the list.
  9. If you were in the process of removing a user when you chose to transfer ownership first, return to the Users page and remove the user.

When removing a user with Owner permission to any clients, you will be given the opportunity to transfer client ownership from the user being removed to another user. For more information, see Users Page > Removing a User.