Differences in User Roles

There are two user roles: Practitioner and Subscription Administrator. The differences between the user roles can be generally summed up like this: Practitioners can manage clients and plans; Subscription Administrators can manage clients and plans, too, and can also manage users, teams, and firm-wide policies.

The following table shows the tasks users can perform based on role.

Task Practitioner Subscription Administrator (SA)
Activate a user  No  Yes 
Add a client Yes Yes
Add a plan (create a new client plan) Yes, with Editor or Owner permission Yes
Add a team No  Yes
Add a user No  Yes
Add or change your password recovery email Yes Yes
Add or change your personal image Yes Yes
Add users to a team No  Yes
Deactivate a user No  Yes
Download users’ activities to an XLS file No  Yes 
Download users’ contact information to an XLS file  No  Yes 
Edit a client Yes, with Editor or Owner permission Yes
Edit a team name and description No  Yes
Edit a user No  Yes
Export a client plan Yes, if enabled by SA Yes, if enabled by SA
Grant client permissions to other users  Yes, with Owner permission  Yes
Grant client permissions to teams Yes, with Owner permission Yes
Import a client letter template  Yes, with Editor or Owner permission Yes
Import a user No  Yes
Import client files Yes, with Editor or Owner permission Yes
Import multiple users No  Yes
Manage “My Client Permissions” of other users No Yes
Manage your “My Client Permissions” Yes, if enabled by SA Yes
Purge items from your Recycle Bin Yes, if enabled by SA Yes, if enabled by SA
Purge Recycle Bin of all users No  Yes
Remove a client Yes, with Owner permission Yes
Remove a plan Yes, with Editor or Owner permission Yes
Remove a team No  Yes
Remove a user No  Yes
Remove users from a team No  Yes
Request a zip file archive of all client plans No  Yes
Reset a user’s account verification credentials  No  Yes 
Reset a user’s password No  Yes
Reset your own password Yes Yes
Restore an item from your Recycle Bin Yes Yes
Save changes to a plan Yes, with Editor or Owner permission Yes
Send a plan as PDF attachment via email Yes, if enabled by SA Yes
Share a plan with Customer Support  Yes, if enabled by SA Yes, if enabled by SA
Specify firm-wide client permissions policies No  Yes
Specify plan policies No  Yes
Specify Recycle Bin policy No  Yes
Specify user password policies No  Yes
Specify user sign-in policies No  Yes
Specify user verification code policy No Yes
Transfer client ownership from user(s) to other user(s) No, but with Owner permission you grant Owner permission to other users. Yes
Update permissions using the Permissions Wizard Yes, with Owner permission Yes
Use Example Plans Yes Yes
View a client Yes, clients you have access to Yes, all clients in the system
View a plan as a PDF file Yes Yes
View activities of all users (audit trail) No  Yes
View all changes you have made Yes Yes
View and change firm-wide calculation options No, but you can change the calculation options in the Planner for a particular client plan.  Yes
View and edit all clients in the system No  Yes
View subscription details No  Yes
View the teams you are a members of Yes No, SAs are not team members
View your file import log Yes Yes
View your Recycle Bin Yes Yes
Work with Personal Plans Yes, if enabled by SA Yes, if enabled by SA