Resolving Issues Upgrading the Turbo Plug-in

If you are experiencing any issues downloading, installing, or launching the latest Turbo plug-in, take the following steps:

You may need assistance from your IT staff to perform the following.

Downloading the Turbo plug-in

If you experience issues downloading the Turbo plug-in, there may be a conflict between the new Turbo plug-in and your antivirus or firewall programs. To resolve this:

  1. Whitelist the domain.

  2. Whitelist all the Spoon/Turbo plugin installation folders. The default locations are

    • C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Turbo

    • C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Spoon

    • C:\Program Files\Turbo

  3. Download and install the Turbo plug-in.

  4. Try launching the Planner (opening a plan). If you still experience issues, restart your computer, and try launching the Planner again. If the Planner fails to launch, continue to the next step.

Launching the Planner (opening a plan)

If you experience issues launching the Planner (opening a plan) AFTER downloading and installing the Turbo plug-in, your browser’s cached data could be causing the problem. To resolve this:

  1. Start a new browser session or open a different browser.
  2. Clear your browser cache. To do this:
    1. With the browser in focus, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
    2. For the time range, select all data.
    3. Click the CLEAR DATA button (Chrome image is shown).Screenshot of Clear Browsing Data dialog popout

This will result in other sites requesting login information again and may slow initial load of others. 

  1. With the browser in focus, press Ctrl+F5. This should force a refresh of the current page and remove anything remaining in the cache. 
  2. Try launching the Planner (opening a plan).
  3. If you still experience issues, restart your computer, and try launching the Planner again. If you still experience issues, continue to the next step.

Reinstalling the Turbo plug-in

If you still experience issues with the Turbo plug-in after following all the previous steps, try manually uninstalling and reinstalling the Turbo plug-in. To do this:

  1. Open the Control Panel, select Programs, and select Uninstall.
  2. In the Uninstall menu, select Sandbox Manager, and select Uninstall.
  3. A prompt appears, asking ‘Would you like to keep your user data?’ Select No.
  4. Once the uninstall is complete, restart your computer.
  5. Reinstall the Turbo Plug-in from the Installation page in Income Tax Planner Web.

Need more help?

Contact Customer Support at 800.424.2938, Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 7:00 pm (ET).