Export a Plan

If your Subscription Administrator has enabled this feature on the Policies Page, you can export a client plan or personal plan to your local or network drive so that it can be accessed with the desktop program edition or imported to another client in the Web program edition.

Exporting a Client Plan

  1. On the Plans tab of the Edit Client page, click the ellipsis icon next to the plan to be exported.
  2. On the shortcut menu, click Export. The program converts the client plan to a .it file.
  3. Follow your browser-specific instructions to save the client plan (.it file) to a folder on your local or network drive.

Exporting a Personal Plan

  1. On the Personal Plans tab of the Setup page, click the ellipsis icon next to the plan to be exported.
  2. On the shortcut menu, click Export. The program converts the client plan to a .it file.
  3. Follow your browser-specific instructions to save the personal plan (.it file) to a folder on your local or network drive.